
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kiri :D

Jouuuuu :D

Saatsin täna/eile kirja oma ratta firmale, et mõtlesin ratta üle värvida jms, et äkki saadaks nad uusi kleepse... :D Vastus tuli hea :D pm et muidu kleepsud maksavad 3 dollarit aga kui sul pole raha või elad välismaal siis võid kirjutada ja joonistada ka :D:D ja lõppu pandi isegi " Word, " nagu räpparid.. õujeee :D:D
Jama ainult selles, et ma pole enam kindel, kas see on selle sama ratta firma ikka, mis mul on :D:D

Eks Paistab :D:D

Aaa.. lõpupoole on et " or you won't get jack. " - või sa ei saa sittagi :D vms :)


Thanks for emailing us about Sparky's sticker requests.
We are so psyched that you like our products but we cannot send out free things all the time so we have set up a way for you to obtain the stickers and still save some doe.
If you have a specific brand or set that you would like, please note that with your envelope so we can send you out the correct ones. If not we will send what we got!

Send $3.00 with a self-addressed envelope with a stamp to the below address, and we will be happy to send out stickers your way.
- OR -
If you are from another country or are poor, we are happy to accept some art or a cool letter or some type of expression instead of cash.
Bottom line is you gotta send us something and it's either cash or something cool.
Either way, don't forget the self-addressed envelope with a stamp or you won't get jack.

Sparky's Distribution
Attn: Sticker Vault
210 East Palmetto Ave
Longwood, FL 32750

Also, check out the new Shadow Conspiracy and Subrosa on-line stores. You can buy all kinds of rad stuff: shirts, hats, replacement frame decals, posters….
Just go to or, click on the store link, and start shopping!
Thanks again! We look forward to hearing from you!
Sparky's Crew

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